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8530 Blondo Street
Omaha, NE 68134

Common Name Scientific Name Light Water Air Special Considerations Common Pests Propogation
Aloe Aloe vera bright-low, indirect low 70-80 ideal, min 50 sandy/rocky soil to provide adequate drainage, medicinal leaves root rot, sunburn easy, replant babies
Anthurium, Red Peace Lily Anthurium sp. bright, indirect medium, when dry to touch warm, humid, avoid drafts *epiphyte* well-drained soil, 1:1 potting soil: orchid bark mix, mist leaves occassionally root rot, mealybug, aphid, scale
Agave, Century Plant Agave sp. bright, direct/indirect low warm 70-90, min 50 cactus/succulent soil, careful of spines root rot easy, replant babies
Arrowhead Syngonium podophyllum bright-low, indirect medium, when dry to touch 60-75 ideal, humid will eventually vine (hanging plant, trellis), fast growing root rot
Bridal Veil Gibasis geniculata bright, indirect low-medium, dry almost completely between waterings 55-75 can prune to keep bushy, sensitive to drafts root rot, aphids, scale
Bromeliad Bromeliad sp. bright-low, indirect low-medium, when dry to touch 2″, fast draining warm, humid *epiphyte* can water through “tank”, flush to keep clean though, don’t water with metal container root rot
Bird of Paradise Strelitzia nicolai bright, indirect medium, when dry to touch, don’t dry completely through avoid vents, humid humidity helps avoid leaf splitting, likes slightly root-bound
Cactus (Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter) Schlumbergera bright, indirect medium, (more than other cacti) warm, 60-70 ideal, humid *epiphyte* Blooms! mealybugs, root rot very easy
Croton Codiadeum variegatum very bright low-medium, top 2″ of soil dry min 50 all parts poisonous to pets and children, propogate stem cuttings in water, dust leaves generally pest free, scale, mealybugs easy, 4-6″ stem cutting
Cyclamen Cyclamen persicum bright, indirect low-medium, top 2″ dry, fast draining (less in summer) 50-60, humid in winter esp. blooms in fall and winter, avoid watering tuber, cause digestive problems for pets
Dumb cane, Dieffenbachia Dieffenbachia sp. bright, indirect medium, water thoroughly then allow top 2″ to dry 60-80, some humidity all parts poisonous to pets and children, direct light will scorch leaves scale, red spider mites, aphids
possible, 2″ chunks of cane in shallow container of compost mix, water well
Dracaena, Song of India Dracaena sp. bright, indirect medium. keep moist, fast draining soil 50-70, tolerates some fluctutation purifies air, dust leaves regularly, sensitive to flouride in tap water, leaves toxic to animals rot, sca;e, aphid, mealybugs, no major issues though possible, from cane
Fern, Asparagus Asparagus densiflorus (A. aethiopicus) bright-low, indirect high, mist leaves high humidity, temp. tolerant poisonous, spines on stem scale, aphids, mites plant berries, divide
Fern, Staghorn Platycerium sp. bright-low, indirect low-medium, water/soak leaves and shield fronds, lightly water roots high humidity, temp. tolerant *epiphyte, do not remove shield fronds scale rarely replant pups from mother plant
Fiddle Leaf Fig Ficus lyrata bright, indirect medium, room temp. water, allow top inch to dry 65-75, min 50 can grow up to 6′ indoors, dust leaves regularly, avoid drafts or moving around, toxi to pets mealy bugs. aphids, mites, scale stem cutting in water, 1 mo to root
Ginger, Tri-Color Stromanthe sanguinea bright-low, indirect medium, fast drainig soil mix 60-80, min 40, humid slightly acidic soil pH
Hoya, Wax Plant, Wax Vine Hoya sp. bright, indirect low-medium, like to dry out warm, avoid drafts, some humidity *epiphyte (some species), trailing, avoid direct sun exposure, soil: succulent mix with orchid bark, not highly toxic, like to be slightlly root bound mealy bugs, scale, aphids easy, stem cutting in water
Jade Crassula sp. (many) bright-low, indirect low, like to dry out 65-75, min 55, warm, drier no drafts succulent soil, sensitive to salts in tap water, likes to be root bound, don’t water right away after transplanting rot, mealy bugs, scale easy, leaves
Jasmine, Chinese Star Jasminum polyanthum bright, direct high-medium, consistently moist when flowering some humidity, min 41, cooler temps in winter to bloom very fragrant, climber, fast grower, non-toxic rot, mealy bugs, scale
possible, 3″ stem cutting in soil, covered in plastic bag
Kalanchoe Kalanchoe blossfeldiana bright, indirect medium-low, let dry out inbetween warm, low humidity get spindly in low light, succulent soil, toxic to dogs and cats rot, mealy bugs, aphids, powdery mildew 3″ stem cutting, healed, then planted
Palm, Pony Tail, Elephant’s Foot Beaucarnea recurvata bright-low, tolerent low water, let dry in between, treat like succulent 60-80 warm, low humidity non-toxic to humans and pets, sandy soil mix, swollen base stores water, not true palm spider mites, scale by seed
Palm, Majesty Ravenea rivularis bright-low, indirect high-medium, consistently moist, good drainage warm, high humidity very fast growing, prefers acidic soil mites, aphids, mealy bugs, white fly, scale by seed
Philodendron Philodendron sp. (many) bright-low, indirect medium, good drainage warm, humid purify air, trailing/climber, water with lukewarm water, spritz leaves regulary spider mite, mealy bugs, scale, thrips
by seed, leaf cutting planted with plastic bag
Snake Plant, Mother-in-Law’s Tongue Sansevieria sp. (many) bright-low, indirect low, like to dry out humid or not purify air, long-lived, very easy, sandy soil mix, like to be root bound, mildly toxic to pets not common, mealy bugs, spider mites division, leaf cuttings, babies
Spider Plant, Airplane Plant Chlorophytum comosum medium-low, indirect medium-low, let dry out inbetween 55-65 easy to care for, tolerant, like to be slightly root bound, leaf tips brown from salts in tap water root rot, mealy bugs, scale division, plant babies
Umbrella Grass Cyperus papyrus, C. alternifolius bright/direct to low very high, consistently moist to wet 50-72, humid or not hard to kill from overwatering, keep drip tray filled with water, slightly toxic to pets, charcoal in medium rot, mealybugs, green fly cut stem and place leaflets in water
ZZ Plant, Zanzibar Gem Zamioculcas zamiifolia bright-low, indirect medium-low, let dry out inbetween tolerant, humid or not naturally shiny leaves, dust frequently, easy to care for none common division, stem cutting

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Dear Anna, Thank you so much for all of the help you gave on my Eagle Scout project. I think it is a great improvement and people will really enjoy its beauty. Thanks again.

Jake S.