The first flowers of spring are always a welcome breath of fresh air, cheerful daffodils and smiling pansies leading the way for all the warmth and color of summer. We use cold tolerant annuals in our custom spring planters--these are plants that can continue to bloom and grow when confronted with overnight frosts.
Pansies are probably the most well known of these cold tolerant flowers, and come in almost every color you can imagine, from periwinkle to deep red, bright yellow, and purple. Some pansy varieties produce solid colored blooms, while others have flowers with two or more contrasting colors. They can be grown in sun or shade, and bloom continuously through the spring, especially if the spent flowers are removed from the plant (this is called dead heading).
Ornamental kale and cabbage are used for their attractive foliage, which comes in varients of purple, green, and white. The foliage is arranged in a rosette, sometimes giving the appearance of a large flower.
Other cold hardy annuals include snapdragon, sweet alyssum, forget-me-nots, and viola.
We also like to incorporate spring blooming bulbs, like tulips and daffodils, in our custom spring planters. We over-winter the bulbs in pots, so that when they emerge and break bud in early spring, we can add them into our spring arrangements. Some tulips can be quite tall, others have very unique colors, lending themselves to our spring plant pallet.